How Could I Possibly Behave That way?

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How Could I Possibly Behave That way?

September 2, 2016

There is an old saying that: “We all have 10 minutes in 24 hours that we act like lunatics  but the lucky ones are the ones who their 10 minutes happen when they are sleep”.

Sometimes we react to some events that we consider them totally out of character. Later, we usually  ponder with guilt and comments such as ; Who was that? Where did that come from? I hate that part of me!, How could I possibly think or act that way?, etc.

The simple answer is this. You can never get apple juice from an orange so as much as you may dislike your response , somehow those had been imported and had been allowed to be stored inside you with the roots that may not be easily detectable.

The best way to get them out is first to recognize that you have them and then accept what was done so you can forgive yourself. Continue with filling yourself with the things that you prefer to have by using  repetitive quotations, mantras, books, music, supporting programs and attitudes conducive with the desired behavior until  they overflow and flush out the undesired behavior and beliefs.

There is always a gap between the event and our reaction to it. Our power to choose will always lie in that gap. When our choices come from security and love, we are energetically pleased with our response and when they come from insecurity and fear they seem to be foreign to our universal default and we interpret them as being unpleasant and a part of that 10 minutes that we had wished to be sleep when they had happened.

Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health