How To Have The “RIGHT ANSWER” Every Time?

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How To Have The “RIGHT ANSWER” Every Time?

September 2, 2016

“The person who is good with a hammer will see everything as a nail!”

How often do we think we have the right answer that we are absolutely sure of and yet we regret later that it was not the right one? We make decisions at every moment based on the best that we know including our bias unconscious preferences.

So, Is there a way to make decisions that can always be right?

Follow the 4 steps below to make sure that all your answers will be right with complete certainty regardless of conditions and time:

  1. Einstein said: “All I want is to be able to think like God does”. In order to think like God does, we will need to approach our question from wholeness and without fear, need, lack and inadequacy.
  2. Our answer will need to be imbedded in the fullness that includes all love and no fear.
  3. In order to understand God’s wholeness, we cannot simulate that completeness with half a brain whether it is the left analytical brain or right creative brain. We have to approach our answer with all brain. Compassion is the glue that connects the left brain and right brain together as a whole. So our answer will need to be reached by opening the door through compassion.
  4. Saint Francis said: “all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle”.

The right answer may not be the popular one but it will be the absolute right one consistent with the universal flow and intentions when it was made based on the above. So we will need to act independent from the opinion of others regardless of its popularity, in order to have the absolute True answer.

WOW!! …It seems so simple to find the absolute unconditional right answer for every question when it is made with trinity of Love, Compassion and Freedom.

Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis for Perfect Health