Will Your Nose Grow If You Lie?

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Will Your Nose Grow If You Lie?

February 1, 2017

Most of us have read the fictional story of “Pinocchio” where the wishes of an old wood maker is granted by the fairy, given life to the little wooden boy named “Pinocchio”. Also, the wooden boy soon learned that his new body reacted in a certain way when he lied and was deceitful and his nose grew larger each time he lied.

One may say; this would have been a very good feature to have, in order to keep everyone honest. All the airport securities, law suits, disputes among people, criminal activities and suspicions among nations would have been eliminated if we had a feature that when we lied or we were dishonest, our nose would grow. What an amazing concept!

So why don’t we have such a feature if our creator is so perfect and our body is such a perfect creation that all its architecture has been impeccably planned. Well, the answer is simple! You can not give away what you do not have. You can not plan for something that you can never anticipate existing. If your understanding is that it is impossible to lie and be dishonest, then there will be no need for planning to deal with it in the first place. The source has no concept nor understanding for such a behavior.

In order to lie you must experience FEAR first. In order to be fearful you must have SOMETHING MISSING from your true essence of unconditional love causing you to have conditions imposed by fear. In order to detect fear you must recognize that there is a THREAT. In order to acknowledge a threat, you must realize that there is SOMETHING TO PROTECT. Accordingly, in order to understand lying and dishonesty, you will need to investigate its roots for what is intended to be protected.

So the answer to the question raised initially is “YES” your body registers something different when you lie and when you are being dishonest but not like “Pinocchio”. However, it is not as if it was planned anticipating that we may lie, but it is more as if it is interrupting the flow of universal energy by going the opposite direction. Very much like a car going against a one way traffic.

The nonverbal communication studies have shown that our body gestures, blinking and eye positions change when we lie.   This has shown to have some credibility, although at times it may be hard to detect and be subject to the expert interpretations,. A Polygraph machine or lie detector is designed to look for physiological changes when we are dishonest. They have documented that lying makes your heart race, you pant, the blood pressure goes up along with sweat rates and your muscles become weaker. These are signs of body experiencing stress.

Basically, we are designed to go downstream like rafting down the river when we are loving, joyful, honest and compassionate since it is the universe’s natural flow of energy. We go upstream when we lie and are dishonest exposing ourselves to extra stress, friction, being less efficient and requiring more usage of energetic resources. This reduces our immune system and results in sadness, anger and will make us more susceptible to physical and emotional diseases which in a way will be much more harmful than just having our nose grow like “Pinocchio”.

So the question would be; do you want your nose to grow or your immune system to drop. The answer is neither, just be honest and truthful and enjoy the downstream ride of the universal flow.


Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health