Will You Get Upset When You Die?  

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Will You Get Upset When You Die?  

November 12, 2016

Imagine It is winter and you have been invited to a summer party in a few months to someone’s house whom you are very fond of but do not know him well. You try to find out as much as possible about this person’s taste and what he is like during the time that you have so you can buy just the right gift to impress him.  The day of the party comes and you walk in to find out that the gift in your hand is a total clash with whom you thought he was and will not be matching anything that he would ever use or would have any attraction to. Will you get upset that you went through all that trouble and hardship when you could have bought a different gift that would have been more compatible, if you had only known better?

Similarly, you live about 100 years and gather all this information about what your life is supposed to be about and where you might be after you die based on the information that all the living people had provided you with. Will you get upset when you die to find out that those priorities were not important and were not anything like what was propagandized almost as you had lived a backward life?

The Journey Of Souls” by Michael Newton, PHD is one of my favorite books along with many other similar ones that they have documented some of the experiences of many people before they were born and after they had previously died through hypnosis.

According to Newton and through his research; many of us will get upset when we die looking at the life that we had lived when we were distracted by things that had no importance. However, the good news is that without having a physical body, it is hard to be upset so the experience will be more  like a learning process than any punishment that we can relate to and more similar to the disappointment of not bringing the right gift for the party mentioned above.

He further documents that these disappointments come from our overview of our time on earth when we realize that we had preoccupied ourselves with our body, its shape, its color, separations among nations, war, fear, money, prestige, hatred and more instead of enjoying the breath, life, the beauty of earth, nature, companionship, love, friendship, unification of humanity and celebration of our unity in the same spirit as a whole as it is in our energetic non physical form.

Who says we need a body to live, it is mainly a misconception that defines this experience as we continue living with other experiences later”.

Sai Baba said; “Life is a song – sing it,   Life is a game – play it,   Life is a challenge – meet it,   Life is a dream – realize it,   Life is a sacrifice – offer it,   Life is love – enjoy it.”
Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health