Who Judges Whom?

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Who Judges Whom?

November 7, 2016

Is it possible to judge someone else without experiencing that judgement against ourselves first?

The main reason to judge someone is to satisfy that personal need of wanting to feel better at that moment.
So if we already feel good then there will be no need to judge anyone to begin with.

How is it that two people meeting a new person have two different views?

One says; “How quiet he was” when the other one says; “Did you see how rude he was to be quiet?”. Or the opposite, when one says; “Did you see how friendly she was when the other one says; “She was a fake”. Where do we get these opposing views?   Marcel Proust said;
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.”

The flow of universal energy may be compared with river rafting. The flow is always down from the universe. When we are flowing with this downstream direction, our experiences are of peace, love, joy and compassion. In a way, we might say that when we go downstream we are looking at the universe from the same exact angle and view that our creator had intended to do and is doing so. When we go upstream the experiences are resistance, dis-ease, anger and experiences of something less than well-being. In a way we are looking at the same thing as our creator does but from a different view.

Somehow as we grow up, something internally shifts us away from looking down the same telescope as our architect. Dali Lama Said: “ People take different roads seeking fulfilment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road does not mean that they are lost.”

Our misalignment may be summarized as being:
1)    Our view is the same as the universe’s when we have no desire to be superior or inferior at birth. That is why energetically babies are so lovablebecause they remind us of what we have forgotten to be and aching to regain that original essence.

2)   The learned behavior through false teachings and attitudes from the vibration of others, lovingly or otherwise, especially during our childhood will be one of the main diversions.

3)    As being the observer having these experiences, we engage in this constant evaluation of others as being the source to make us less or moreof what we believe to be us in order  to feel better.

If the evaluation is “Less” we feel inferior and if the evaluation is “More” we feel superior. Oscillation between these two polarities is exhaustive and our interpretation of its existence is anger, lying, deception, fighting in opposition to Peace, love and joy where “Neutrality” resides.

Since we must recognize “that something” within ourselves first before we can determine how to compare with it, then it will make it impossible not to judge ourselves first. Or, otherwise our neutrality would not have detected such a judgement.

In a way, we can say all judgments are self to self!!.
Mother Theresa said “If you judge people, you have no time to love them”.

Alex Abossein,
InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health