When Do We Find God?

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When Do We Find God?

October 13, 2016

“The monk went to his master and said master; I have been to Temples, Synagogues, Churches, Monasteries, Mosques and solitude’s and I cannot find God. His master smiled and said; you will never find god because it is a discovery. Once you discover it within yourself there will be no place that you will not find god.”

So when do we discover this force that beats our heart and it is even much closer to us than any external being such as our parents who gave us our lives?

We discover god; when we walk in the garden, stop by every flower and appreciate the differences of each flower with each uniqueness to its own and continue to a crowded place and have the same appreciation, magnificence and respect for each person that we come in contact with and view their differences as the essence of their beauty.

We discover god; when we realize that we cannot own anything other than owning the thought of ownership.  We realize that it is great to have all the toys that we desire but it is even greater when we share them since we are leasing them for a short while and will return them soon.

We discover god; when we see someone in distress and feel their pain as ours and without looking for a blame or all the reasons to why they may be deserving to receive that experience, we reach out to help and then tell them to not give it back but to pass it forward.

We discover god; when we realize the perfection of universe that all is well and nothing is missing. We realize that this life is only one chapter of our story and like any other book we cannot understand it by analyzing only one chapter of it.

We discover god; when we realize that separation among people, neighbors, nations and countries are far from the universal intention of that grace that flows its energy without hesitation and partiality. We recognize the fallacy of our justifications and understand that no war or separation can be possibly done in the name of God and anything but peace stems from our personal needs to satisfy the ego and recognize that angry people cannot   create a peaceful world.

We Discover god; when we are inspired to create and inspire others everywhere we go. We go to sleep with appreciation for the beautiful experience we had and arise anxiously to enjoy the best day of our lives knowing that every moment of “now” is a “PRESENT”.

We Discover god; when we have faith as the song birds do when they sing before seeing the sunrise knowing that the sun always shines and we are always connected and never disconnected.

The little boy who was doing many miracles was called to the elders of the village. They said he surly knows where god is. The elders asked; we will give you an apple if you show us where he is and the boy responded; I will give you two apples if you show me where she is not.

Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health