What Are You Looking For?

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What Are You Looking For?

May 30, 2017

 Most of us use all our resources to find that exact outfit, shoes, car, food, vacation spot, house and all our materialistic needs. Knowingly or unknowingly we do the same with all our relationships. We search for that companion or friend or business relationship by not giving attention to, or giving attention to the ones who meet that hidden criteria that we had already set up in our mind. By this process of knowingly or unknowingly, including or excluding, we connect with all that finally comes to our experiences.

Every time that our attention is given to something desired or undesired, an energetic field is created around us that will attract or repel other magnetic fields in the universe. In a way, there is no accident when two cars collide in the middle of an intersection when the other 10 cars pass each other without the desire to attract. We have a tendency to personalize our negative events to find comfort by blaming ourselves, someone or something outside in search for a reason for why undesired things happen. However, the universe does not understand blame other than different polarities of energy. This means that the universe without any personal agenda may send us to a hospital to relax when asking for a break instead of a sunny vacation day at the beach and when we are not clear about our asking.

Thoughts by themselves remain in energetic field of thoughts. However, thoughts ending to materialistic experiences will require the power of emotions bringing them to a reality that can be comprehended by our feelings and senses giving us our reality. These experiences are the only things that we find important to us individually, since our comprehension of them make them our truth. In a way, is there a sound of wind in the forest if there is no ear to hear it. The happiness, sorrow or neutrality that exist in the world only becomes your truth when you become aware of it and process it internally to some form of feeling.

So what we look for and what we find will determine our reality as co-creations and somehow related in energetic forces and in lieu of the myth of their independency. This energetic entanglement is independent from any interpretation of personal blame due to the outcome of what may or may not be desired. There is an old story that says: ”the boy asked his Grandfather, it seems that there are two wolves inside me. One is good and the other one is bad. Which one will win? The Grandfather said; the one that you will feed more.”

Indeed, when we look for good things we find them and when we worry about the bad by looking into it we find that too. However, when we dissect to understand the bad we realize that bad is defined for the things that we want to be missing from our experiences. A person who qualifies the disease as bad is only missing the ease and pleasure of perfect health.

All relationships are much better at the beginning. The main reason is that both parties look for the things they want to see in each other in the beginning. They look for good things and they find them versus looking for lacks and missing things that later they seek and they end up finding those too as the relationships change.

So what are you looking for? The teacher and the lesson are always available however the only time that the lesson is learned is when the student is ready to absorb the lesson and looks for it. Once we realize that thoughts become things, we carefully manage our thoughts to direct ourselves to what we want and by giving all the attention to what is desired and eliminating all energy toward what may be undesired

Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health