Freedom From Emotional Hostage

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Freedom From Emotional Hostage

March 4, 2017

Have you ever been self conscious about something when interacting with others. It appears; that one thing becomes your dominate thought holding you hostage and changes your interaction from a balanced equal relationship to something imbalanced and less for you.

Some common examples are; being concerned about your weight or height, thinking that you are too smart or not smart enough, worrying about having too much money or not having enough, being preoccupied with your skin color, meeting a certain status or falling short of it, being attractive or not attractive enough and more.

The labels that we have learned to measure ourselves with have become the source of how we value ourselves. Soren Kierkegaard said; “Once you label me you negate me”. Because of these labels we more often become apologetic for no reason. It seems as being hostaged by the emotion that follows each label as we feel the lack and mourn the wholeness that is our joyful essence.

A hostage is the one who is being held against his/her will by not having the freedom to say and do the things that he/she desires. This may be among different people or it can happen among the 4 energetic bodies of each individual internally as each impacts the other within the same body.

Our 4 energetic bodies are; Physical, Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual. The interaction of these 4 bodies make us whole in being in peace and joyful or in contrast with each other in dis-ease. Many of the new computerized energy programs such as Biowell are able to measure the energetic flow of each finger and forecast their data very accurately to identify the culprit elements among these 4 pillars of our existence.


What are some of the things that maybe done when you are held hostage by one of these emotions?

  • Since these emotional hostages are created by our thoughts. We will need to quiet the internal voice that is giving them power by practicing mental fasting. Choose specific periods of time every day that you stop all thought activity and increase the time frame gradually. When thoughts come up, consciously do not grab on to them and say “Pass”. This will create a separation between the negative emotions and you and eventually they will disappear as the desire to find other methods to permanently remove them become more appealing through E.F.T., E.M.D.R., Timeline therapy and other counseling methods.
  • Immobilize them for the time being until you can deal with them permanently. Acknowledge that they may appear to be real in your experience. However, they are not all of you since you have many different qualities. Give them the lowest percentage that you can find acceptable and compare them against all the good qualities that you can find within yourself. Use methods such as “The Works” by Byron Katie to understand their fallacy by saying; “is it true”, “is it really really true”, “where do I feel it in my body when I have them” and “who would I be if I did not have those thoughts”. Avoid using “Do not ……..” and use positive affirmations of what you want to be.

Before the truth can set you free, you need to recognize which lie is holding you hostage”-Unkown.

Alex Abossein,

InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health